About Us
Downsville Baptist Church was organized on May 6, 1894 by elder A.J. Moore and 19 members of the Robinson Baptist Church. In a summer revival, another 39 members joined, A sanctuary and school house were erected on land deeded by E.J. Webb, W.C. Crunk and Fannie M. Crunk in 1896. Over the years, a number of church facilities have been built on this site and are shared with the community for a variety of activities.

Who We Are
Downsville Baptist Church is a group of people who love Christ. We love Waco. We desire to make Jesus shine brightly in Waco and beyond.
The Gospel is our identity. It leads us in everything we do. As Waco continues to grow, we long to make Jesus famous and love anyone who wants to know more about Christ. We are here because Christ loved us first; served us first; and saved us. We want everyone here to know Who He is , what He is like, and how He loves us.
Make Disciples Who Make Disciples for the glory of God. Jesus commands us to make disciples. This is our heart. We want the Gospel to spread throughout Waco so that people will not only have the heart to follow Christ, but that they desire to see others come to know Him, treasure Him, and pursue Him.
What We Believe
The Bible tells us there is Good News for bad people. In a world that is full of sin and bad news, we are constantly looking for good to replace it. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news our sinful hearts need.

Josh Miller

Melissa Rhodes

Jason Tucker
Youth Pastor